Every Student gets an Individual Learning Paths based on different factors. If you have atteded Vo Tech in High School or been working on mechanical things since a child you shouldnt have to take the same path as someome who has no background or prior education. Another factor is when and where student will get their hands on. We will assist all students into an shop to get hands on and coach them before the Hands On Practical test.
Most students will be offered employment before they complete the first 90 days.
The Other Training Options out there you will follow a set course outline and schedule. Most will have to work somewhere in order to afford the living expense and most programs will assist in find work. Howover because jobs are competative when you have large number of students looking for same jobs.
We start first to find a shop that need help and match them with our student,
When our student is working in industry we will tailor the material to align with the vehicles they work on that week. This allows you to move quickly thru the material and each job is on live vehicles.